Tired of putting a “smiley face” on a rivet head or worse yet, on the adjoining aircraft skin? Snap Soc® rivet set caps eliminate the high labour costs of repairing or replacing work that has been damaged during riveting!
What is a snap soc®?
We are the solution to rivet head damage! Snap Soc® provides a protection zone between the rivet set and the rivet, permitting perfect installation of the rivets.
Colour coded for easy use, Snap Soc® caps are available in five universal sizes for use with most rivets. The Snap Soc® easily slides over the end of your rivet set and will last for approximately 200 rivets. When no longer effective, simply remove and install a new Snap Soc®.
Snap Soc® the perfect fit for Aerospace Excellence!
Without protection
Rivets installed without protection of Snap Soc. Note scuffing and marring - "smileys".
With Snap Soc.
Rivets installed with Snap Soc. Anodized coating on rivet and cladding on skin surface appear untouched.
Protect rivets and sheet metal
Snap Soc® protects rivets and sheet metal from scuffing/marring (smileys), reducing incidence of stress fractures, re-work and visible blemishes.
Prevent safety concern of corrosion
Snap Soc® prevents the safety concern of early corrosion by:
protecting aluminum cladding on sheet metal
protecting anodized coating on rivets
Improved efficiency
Snap Soc® improves efficiency/effectiveness over alternative protection methods (taping of anvil).
Save Costs
Snap Soc® saves costs associated with re-work of damaged materials, including:
direct rework of assembly technician labour
inspectors to re-inspect work piece
overhead allocations to direct labor
quality assurance documentation
skin or support structure replacement
Enhanced precision
Snap Soc® promotes precision in riveting action — works to center and stabilize anvil on rivet:
provides method of self-testing to determine if riveting action is perpendicular
Reduce worry of damaging materials
Snap Soc® increases technician comfort level and confidence with riveting.
Snap Soc® Reduces long-term noise stress on technician and others in the work area by providing a buffer between metal surfaces.
Recommended use
Snap Soc® works most effectively with perpendicular riveting
range is 200 rivets installed
many experienced/skilled technicians routinely exceed this range
Angular riveting
The life of a Snap soc® can be extended by rotating it slightly to provide a fresh surface for contact with the materials.